8Before & After Administration

Note:  LCR Paste Plus! - Each click of the trigger equals 5cc.

1. Applications:

- Viral Scours:
        10cc per 100 lbs. of body weight as

- Stress:
        5cc per 100 lbs. of body weight as

- Ecoli & Salmonella:
         20-30cc per 100 lbs. of body weight          as needed.

2. Click the handle two (2) times to draw 10cc of LCR Paste PLUS! from the container.
Note:  A full draw of handle is three (3) clicks or 15 cc.

3. Straddle calf.

4. Hold its head between your legs, insert your left thumb into corner of mouth and grip lower jaw with hand.

5.  Insert tube into back of mouth, and as quickly as possible click the desired amount, and remove. Calf will swallow it easily.

1. Administer orally only.
2. Avoid contact with eyes.
3. Allow free choice of clean fresh
4. Be gentle with the calves. They
         are sick.

1. Do not get in or around eye area.
2. Do not further traumatize calves. The calf is already sick, do not make it worse by increasing its physical stress.

8Other Notes:  LCR Paste Plus!

1. Will not blood test.

2. Leaves no chemical residue.

3. Requires no withhold time for slaughter.

4.  This product is a mineral supplement.

5. Will stain clothing permanently .

6. Calves will usually salivate profusely and urinate after administration.
Recommended for use at birth, weaning, freshening and
other situations such as shipping and pre-and post-
antibiotic therapy.  Use LCR Paste PLUS! anytime an
animal is ill or under stress. LCR Paste PLUS! is
completely safe, you cannot overdose.

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All Natural -- Use WITH or WITHOUT Antibotics. FREE Consultations !!
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An All Natural Mineral Product
That Controls Scours!
This page was last updated on: 2/1/2010
P. O. Box 1982
Clarkston, WA 99403
Telephone: 509-758-5445
FAX: 509-758-5701
E-Mail: Sales@LarsonCenturyRanch.com
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Control Calf Scours

Larson Century Ranch, Inc.
LCR Calf Scours Paste Plus
LCR Paste PLUS!!
$100 (300 cc)
$20 Applicator
8Bottled Fed Calves
If scour symptoms are re-occurring even after several doses of LCR Paste PLUS! has been administered, check for re-infection of E-Coli pathogens.

CompIetely clean and sterilize all feeding equipment. Remove nipples and scrub and sterilize them on the inside and out, pay special attention to the inside part of the nipple that seals over the bottle and inside the hole in the end of the nipple. Also scrub and sterilize grain feeders and water dispensers in calf pens. 
ALWAYS completely rinse all sterilization products from equipment.

In dairy calves, it is ALWAYS best to not use "hospital milk" from milk cows in the sick pen. Calves are getting all of the medication in the milk that the cows are being administered. Anything that goes into the cow comes out in the milk. Instead, use a non-medicated milk replacer.

For information on non-medicated milk replacer contact:

(509) 758-5445

The clinical signs of dehydration first occur when the fluid loss reaches 5 to 6 percent of the body weight. Ten percent loss of fluid results in depression, sunken eyes, dry skin, and the calf will probably be unable to stand. A 15 percent loss of fluids usually results in death.

Scour problems are an ever-existing threat to baby calves. A good program of adequate nutrition, sanitation, management and a good herd health program are necessary to minimize the incidence and losses. Early diagnosis and treatment will reduce the threat of a herd outbreak.

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